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Jon Mellis was released from federal prison on September 30. He is currently living in VA. Since he was released he has been speaking at conservative clubs all over the area. This election was his sole focus and raising awareness to the plight of his J6 brothers. 


He witnessed the murder of Rosanne Boyland on J6. He tried to help her and was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison. He spent almost 3 years in the terrible DC jail under inhumane conditions. A year of solitary confinement, 2 years no visitation, abusive guards, and terrible jail conditions. 


Jon is also a Proud Boy with personal knowledge of his close friends (Enrique, Ethan, Joe, Zach, and Dom) who are serving 10-22 years in federal prison for bullshit seditious conspiracy charges. 


He spent several years in the DC jail helping his brothers get their voices out and helping them fundraise millions of dollars directly into THEIR OWN BANK ACCOUNTS. He did this by harvesting their testimonials and getting them published on The Gateway Pundit with the approval of the amazing Jim Hoft. Most of these testimonials are collected on this website, as well as the DC jail podcast and reporting/videos of the death of Rosanne Boyland. 


Jon PRODUCED A VIDEO PODCAST FROM INSIDE THE DC JAIL (Co-hosted by Edward Badalian) interviewing many of his J6 brothers. This was done using the jail issued laptops provided to the J6 prisoners (after a long fight for them) for the use of viewing their legal discovery from the flash drives given to them by their lawyers. PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT on his Rumble @We Are Good Men. Or click the link at the top of this page. 


Also, for three years in a row Jon organized a fundraiser at Christmas for the children of the general population inmates in the DC jail. In the first two years combined he raised $36,000 to give to Angel Tree and the last year (2023) the donations went directly to Angel Tree.



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Ryan Nichols: Greg Kelly interviews J6 defendant in explosive jailhouse interview on Newsmax (11/8/21)


Nathan Degrave: DC Gitmo Prisoner Nathan DeGrave Speaks with Greg Kelly on Newsmax (11/9/21)


Lonnie Coffman: 71 year-old Army vet still in jail over Jan 6 speaks out to Greg Kelly on Newsmax (11/10/21)

Jonathan Mellis: Political Prisoner Jonathan Mellis discusses fellow inmate and January 6th detainee Lonnie Coffman (11/11/21)

Christopher Alberts: Talks Pressure to Take a Plea and Details on Instigators in the Crowd (12/24/21)

Jake Lang: In the middle of an interview with Newsmax's 'American Agenda,' Jan 6 inmate Jake Lang's phone connection was "terminated by the facility" as he described conditions he's living in while behind bars (12/29/21)

Jake Lang: Politically Persecuted Patriot and Abandoned 1 Year Later - "I sing the National Anthem and I get punched in the ribs for it" - Political Prisoners Deserted on Stew Peters Show (1/5/22)

J6 Prisoner DOMINIC PEZZOLA Discusses Explosive Developments from the DC GITMO (1/14/22)

Jonathan Mellis: Letters From Solitary (GoodLion TV) DEPLATFORMED

Jake Lang: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW FROM PRISON: American Patriot who Saved Lives on Jan 6th “DOJ IS BREAKING ITS OWN RULES!" via Gateway Pundit (1/25/22)

Exclusive Interview (SHORT CUT) with Guy Reffitt, First Convicted January 6th Political Prisoner (3/15/22)

MAMA MICKI: MOTHER OF THE MOVEMENT - A Dozen J6ers Write Letters to the Leader of this Movement for Civil Rights

Jonathan Mellis: Heartbreaking Letter from Jan. 6 Prisoner in Solitary Confinement! DC Gitmo Violates International Codes on Torture (9/23/21)

Jessica Watkins: Trans Woman Jessica Watkins Stripped Naked and Left in Cell with Lights on for 24 Hours a Day for 4 Days – Is Still Being Held for Crime of Walking Through US Capitol, Talking to Cops, Following Orders on Jan. 6 (2/22/21)



For Christmas the Jan. 6 DC Prisoners Are Raising Money for the Children of General Population (12/3/21)

Billy Chrestman: “Men Have Been Beaten Within an Inch of Their Lives by Correctional Officers Here” – DC Political Prisoner William Chrestman Tells His Horrific Story (12/8/21)


Shane Jenkins: January 6 Political Prisoner and Follower of Christ Speaks Out From The DC Gitmo (12/13/21)

Bobby Geiswein: Jan-6 Political Prisoner with Good Heart Speaks Out from the DC “GITMO” After Months of Abuse and Mistreatment from His Government (12/15/21)


Peter Stager: Hispanic J-6er Peter Stager Survived a Childhood of Homelessness, a Heroin Addicted Mother, and Foster Homes – Now He’s Held in the DC “GITMO” and Refuses to be Broken (12/21/21

José Padilla: Jan-6 Political Prisoner and Army Sergeant Combat Veteran Jose Lino Padilla Still Loves His Country Despite 295 Days in DC Gulag (12/22/21)

Dominic Pezzola: A Very Special Christmas Plea: January 6th Political Prisoner DOMINIC PEZZOLA Tells His Story for the Very First Time and Needs Your Help (12/23/21)

Guy Reffitt: Nonviolent Jan 6 Prisoner Held 11 Months for ‘Thought Crimes’ in the DC ‘GITMO’ Solitary Hell, Now His Wife Gets Yanked from Plane (12/28/21)

Jorden Mink: Jan 6 Prisoner’s Fiancé Speaks Out and an 8-Year-old Boy Misses His Father After 11 Months Pass in the DC Gulag Hell (12/30/21)

James McGrew: Wounded Iraqi War Veteran and Jan 6 Prisoner Denied Medical Treatment from DC Gitmo (1/5/22)


Jonathan Mellis: “For the First Time We Were All Able to Sing the Star-Spangled Banner Together, We Sang it Loud and Proud” – Exclusive: Patriots Speak Out from the Inside of DC “GITMO” – One Year After January 6 (1/6/22)

Troy Smocks: Jan 6 Political Prisoner Troy Smocks Is a Black Man Originally from the KC Housing Projects – Today He Speaks Out from the DC Gulag and Refutes the Narrative That He is Housed with White Supremacists (1/10/22)


Ronnie Sandlin: “Please Don’t Forget About Us. We Are Not Terrorists” – Hispanic Jan 6 Political Prisoner Labeled White Supremacist Reveals Shocking Treatment and Racism at DC Gulag (1/12/22)


Brandon Fellows: Heartbreaking Exclusive: J-6er with No Violent Charges and Who Was Welcomed Into Capitol by Police Suffers Incomprehensible Inhumane Treatment (1/19/22) 

Brian Mock: George Soros Attorney Prosecutes Jan-6er in DC Gulag on Made-Up Charges (1/21/22)

Nathan Degrave: GUT WRENCHING PLEA FOR HELP! January 6th Detainee’s TELL ALL Letter to the American Public from DC GITMO (1/28/22)

Nathan Degrave: Retaliation Against Jan 6 Prisoners at DC Gitmo- CORRECTIONS OFFICER CALLED OUT BY NAME! Shame on Them!

Jonathan Mellis: “MY TRIAL WILL EXPOSE VIOLENT J-6 POLICE!” Please Help DC Gitmo Prisoner Hold Violent Police Officer Lila Morris Accountable For Allegedly Killing Trump Supporter! (2/2/22)

Kash Kelly: Social Media Star, Father of 8, Inner-City Youth Advocate, Trump Supporter Detained for Jan. 6 Protest Speaks Out from DC Jail (2/4/22)

Sean McHugh: PRISONER OF THE BIDEN REGIME Has Desperate Plea For Legal Help! 24 HOUR DAILY LOCKDOWNS! Denied Lawyers Visits and Calls for Refusing Covid Test! (2/28/22)

Shane Jenkins: Thank You Letter to Our Readers From Political Prisoner at DC Gitmo!! Please Read this Inspiring Letter from J6er Shane Jenkins! (3/18/22)

Billy Chrestman: Nonviolent Jan. 6 Proud Boy and Loving Family Man Loses Everything as He Rots in DC Gulag for Over a Year Now (3/22/22)

Jonathan Mellis: Touching Thank You Letter to Our Readers From Political Prisoner at DC Gitmo! “Gateway Pundit Readers- THANK YOU FOR NOT FORGETTING US!!" (3/28/22)

Chris Quaglin: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate (4/10/22)

James McGrew: “I Have Heard Many Stories of Horrors and Atrocities in Tiananmen Square. This Was America’s Tiananmen Square.” Jan 6 Victim of Police Brutality and Prosecutorial Misconduct – Marine James McGrew (4/13/22)

Bobby Gieswein: ROGER STONE: Please Help Jan 6er Bobby Gieswein – Held in DC Gulag for 15 Months – Never Committed a Crime In His Life (4/21/22)

David Dempsey: Confirmed: Radical Leftist Public Defender Assigned to Represent Jan. 6er Lied to Judge to Keep Him in DC Gitmo! PLEASE HELP THIS MAN FIGHT FOR HIS FREEDOM! (4/22/22)!

Dominic Pezzola: ‘What The Feds Are Doing To The January Sixers Is Just A Small Example Of What They Want To Do To All Of You Who Speak Out’ – Jan 6 Protester Dominic Pezzola Sends Letter From Prison (5/2/22)

Jonathan Mellis: ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: NO BOND HEARING AFTER OVER A YEAR! Jon Mellis Is Another Jan 6 Tragedy and He Needs Your Help (6/1/22)

Sean McHugh: “RAY EPPS RECRUITED ME!” – Political Prisoner Writes Tell-All Letter From Prison About His Experience with the Notorious Operative Ray Epps (8/4/22)

Jonathan Mellis: THANK YOU TGP READERS! YOU ARE THE BEST! DC Gitmo Prisoner Thanks Gateway Pundit Readers for Raising NEARLY $2 MILLION for the Political Prisoners and Their Families (8/15/22)


Munn Family: Texas CHRISTIAN FAMILY OF FIVE Set to Be Sentenced Next Week for January 6th Participation (10/9/22)


Ryan Samsel: "Your Stuff with Gateway Pundit has to Stop” – J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Warned by Authorities – FBI, Prison Staff Outraged Gateway Pundit Is Telling the Horrific Stories of J-6 Prisoner Abuse (12/8/22)

Bart Shively: Cowboy Logic - 12/08/22: Bart Shively, USMC Veteran / J6er talks about being denied medical treatment from the VA while in Stage 4 cancer with a 50/50 chance of living (12/8/22)

Jonathan Mellis: Cowboy Logic - Jon discusses the horrible treatment at the jail, witnessing the death of Rosanne Boyland, and witnessing a crowd protecting officer Fanone (12/14/22) PART ONE


Jeff Sabol talks about surviving two years in solitary confinement on Justice In Jeopardy DAY 718  From Inside The DC Gulag - Bart Shively discusses recent updates in Part 2 (12/27/22)

Brandon Fellows on Cowboy Logic on the night all of the Jan 6ers were moved from the Northern Neck jail for causing too much legal chaos and forcing reforms & being denied bond on the same day he's offered to go home with a time-served plea deal (12/29/22)

James McGrew on Cowboy Logic (12/29/22)

James Beeks talks rights violations, entrapment, and losing his dream off-broadway roll based on defamation, accusations and false reporting on Minivan Jack (1/4/23)

Kelly Meggs on American Sunrise after Seditious Conspiracy conviction (1/6/23)

Chrestman, Mellis, Shively, Webler on Freedom Unchained: Episode 7 - They Say Inmates, We Say Americans! -- "There is no medical treatment in here"

Ronald McAbee on Cowboy Logic reveals shockingly high definition footage for the first time: helping and protecting police officers, trying to resuscitate Rosanne Boyland, and his stellar career in law enforcement (1/21/23)

Jeffrey Sabol details jail abuse: SHARE WITH HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE! (1/25/23)

Jeff McKellop: Cowboy Logic EXCLUSIVE - Special Forces Veteran Jeffrey McKellop, J6 Political Prisoner (1/26/23)

Sean Mchugh gives us his message to the J6 Judiciary Committee (1/31/23)

Geoffrey Sills Talks About Ryan Samsel's Assualt at Northern Neck Regional Jail and How Judge is Punishing  Samsel from Speaking to Gateway Pundit (2/6/23)

Jonathan Mellis: Video Exclusive: Jan 6 Defendant Jon Mellis Leaks Footage from Inside the DC Gulag to Gateway Pundit – Prisoners Are Forced to Drink Dirty Brown Water (2/7/23)

Ronald McAbee: Former Deputy Ronald McAbee Was Attempting to Save Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – Now He Sits in Prison without Trial – PLEASE HELP THIS FAMILY (VIDEO) (2/14/23)

Luke Coffee on Cowboy Logic discussing "standing in the gap" in the West Terrace Tunnel (3/4/23)

George Tanios talks about the wrongful death civil suit he faces after being exonerated from false blame by the media and pleading to two minor felonies on Justice In Jeopardy (3/7/23)


Jeff McKellop: HE HAS THE PROOF: DC Gulag Political Prisoner and Decorated Army Special Forces Soldier Jeffrey McKellop Reveals Extent of Government Agents at J6 Capitol Protest – IT WAS A COMPLETE SET-UP! (Audio) (3/17/23)


Mel Hawley shares the story from J6 to FBI showing up at her door, and why she works tirelessly to help other J6ers get their stories out to the Williamsburg GOP (3/20/23)


Jon Mellis: J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis Pleads with Oversight Committee to Investigate Roseanne Boyland’s Death During Their Visit to DC Gulag (3/29/23) ▼▼

Ronnie Sandlin: MUST READ: J6 Prisoner and DC Jail Abuse Witness Is Kept in Solitary 6 Days a Week – Shipped Off and Coerced into Plea – He Needs Our Help! (10/5/22)

Brandon Fellows: Peaceful J-6 Protestor Still Sits in Detention While Murderers Walk Free – Brandon Fellows Was Given Permission to Walk in US Capitol by Police, Now Faces 20 Years (10/31/22)

Marshall Neefe: This J6 Political Prisoner Was Denied Mental Health Treatment On Suicide Prevention, Left Completely Alone In Filthy Conditions For Days: ‘The Pit of Hell’ (11/3/22)

Shane Jenkins: Why Is DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Still Forcing J6 Political Prisoners To Get Vaxxed and Boosted To See Their Families? Read The Heartbreaking Letter From J6 Defendant Shane Jenkins (11/14/22)

Bart Shively: J6 Political Hostage And Marine Corps Veteran Barton Shively Is Being Denied Life-Saving Cancer Treatment at the DC Gulag as Guards Are Doing Everything to Make Life for Him Hell: ‘They Hate Trump Supporters’ (11/16/22)

Billy Chrestman: “We Get Maced, Beaten for Singing the National Anthem” – J6 Political Prisoner And Veteran Army Combat Medic Billy Chrestman Writes Heartbreaking Letter To The Gateway Pundit After Spending Two Years In DC Gulag Hellhole (11/19/22)

Ronald McAbee: Jan. 6 Detainee Pens Birthday Letter ‘To My Future Free Self: You Will Not Break’ (11/28/22)

This Giving Tuesday, Help the J6 DC Prisoners Raise Money for the Children of General Prison Population This Christmas (11/29/22)

Jon Mellis: Jan 6 Detainees Have Been Sexually Assaulted and ‘Ziptied In the Middle Of The Night’ – Coming Up on Two Years of Isolation and Abuse (12/1/22)

Lucas Denney: I'm Losing Hope. Still Locked in a Cell 23 Hours a Day (12/1/22)

Howard Richardson: Letter from Prison (12/6/22)

CALL TO ACTION: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Refuses To Allow J6 Political Prisoner Visitation…Even Computer Visitation After Nearly Two Years in DC Gulag (12/7/22)

Jessica Watkins: Letter from Prison (12/8/22)

James Grant: ‘Then Sue Me!’ Jail Superintendent Hell-Bent on Abusing Inmates Still In Charge and Jan 6er James Grant Needs Our Help (12/9/22)

J6 Pretrial Detainee Slashed Across Face with Knife – Is Housed With CONVICTED KILLERS, GANGSTERS AND RAPISTS! “I Am Living in a Tiny Cage Lined By Rat Droppings and Gagged By the Stench of Urine!” Says Political Prisoner Barry Ramey (12/15/22)

Eric Munchel: This Man and His Mother Were Put in Shackles and Flown to DC and the Gulag – They Were Not Permitted to Talk – A Letter from Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Eric Munchel (12/21/22)

Jake Lang Update on Gateway Pundit: Feds Prevent J-6 Political Prisoner Who Has been Locked up for 2 Years from Speaking with His Attorney and Planning His Defense (12/22/22)

Lucas Denney: Letter from Prison (12/28/22)

Ryan Samsel: Jan 6 Political Prisoner & Wife Speak Out After He Is Beaten and Blinded in One Eye by Prison Guards – Asks Americans for Their Support (1/4/2022)

Christopher Alberts: Army Vet Christopher Alberts Clubbed in the Back of the Head on Jan 6 – Then Feds Arrest Him, Lie to the Court, and Are Caught Hiding Video (1/5/2022)

Todd Gardner: Treated poorly, harassed and physically abused – J6er Todd Gardner Writes Open Letter After DC Courts Delay Hearings for Seven Months (1/11/23)

Ryan Samsel on J6 Patriot News: A Cry for Help and CALL TO ACTION: PLEASE WRITE TO CONGRESS with these requests (1/19/23)

Ronald McAbee: Rosanne Boyland’s Would-Be Rescuer Pens Emotional Letter to Her Parents (1/20/23)

Mason Courson: J6 Political Prisoner, Young Father, and Former College Football Player Mason Courson Sends Letter to The Gateway Pundit from His Prison Cell (2/3/23)

Jeff Sabol: Jan 6er JEFF SABOL Goes Missing After Raising Complaints of Jail Abuse – PLEASE HELP JEFF (2/24/23)

James McGrew reads his "Letter to America" after sentencing (2/28/23)▼▼

Darrel Neely:99% Conviction Rate: Another January 6er Betrayed By The Justice System: Darrell F. Neely Sr. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (10/16/2023)

Markus Maly: J6 Prisoner Markus Maly Will Spend 6 Years Away From His Young Family - DOJ Demanded Court Confiscate Money He Raised Online to Help His Loved Ones | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (10/15/2023)

Jonathan Munafo: J6 Political Prisoner Jonathan Munafo Will Be Homeless Following His Release, Please Help Out Jonathan If You Can | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (10/04/2023)

Isaac Thomas: J6 Political Prisoner Isaac Thomas Continues His Fight for Justice | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor (11/12/2023)

Dominic Pezzola: J6 Political Prisoner, Dominic Pezzola, Confronts Myth of Rehabilitation in Federal Prison and the Reality of Prison Abuse | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (3/21/2023)

Dominic Pezzola: Help Support J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola With T-Shirt of Iconic Moment "Trump Won and You All Knows it!" | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin (9/26/2023)

Dominic Pezzola: J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola Sends Powerful Letter From Prison As He Faces 20-Year Sentence for Trespassing in US Capitol by Kangaroo Court | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (8/21/2023)

Joe Biggs: Decorated Military Veteran J6 Prisoner Joe Biggs Stripped of Honorable Military Service - Faces 20 Years in Prison for Walking Inside US Capitol | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (7/30/2023)

Donald Hazard: "January 6 Was a Trap - It Was a Set-Up" - J6 Political Prisoner Donald Hazard Speaks Out After He Is Sentenced to Nearly 5 Years in Prison | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (7/26/2023)

Rodney Milstreed: J6 Political Prisoner Rodney Mistreed Had Feces Tossed into His Cell, Was Denied Food - Today This J6 Prisoner Tells His Story | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin (6/23/2-23)

Matthew Krol: Christian Missionary and J6 Protester Matthew Krol 'Died' in Prison, Was Ignored by Guards for Over an Hour But He Lived to Tell About It - Here is his Story - Please Help Matthew if You Can | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin (6/17/2023)

Taylor Johnatakis: J6 Political Prisoner and Father of Five Taylor James Johnatakis Needs Your Help This Christmas Season - Please Give Below | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (12/16/2024)

Taylor Johnatakis: MUST READ: Endless Nights Behind Bars - J6er's Harrowing Tale of Sleepless Nights in the 'DC Gulag' | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (1/24/2024)

Reed Christensen: A Letter from 65-Year-Old Reed Christensen the DC Gulag on the Anniversary of January 6th | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (1/06/2024)

Reed Christensen: From Oregon to the Washington DC Gulag: 65-Year-Old Army Veteran and J6 Political Prisoner Reed Christensen Had Home Raided by FBI After He Was Blinded by Pepper Spray and Bumped into Police Officer on Jan.6 - Please Help Reed Below | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (11/04/2023)

Frank Giustino: 
J6 Political Prisoner Frank Rocco Giustino Spends 3 Months in Prison for "Insulting" Dishonest DOJ Prosecutor - Was Filmed Pleading with Police to Stop Shooting at Protesters on J6! - PLEASE HELP FRANK RELAUNCH HIS NEW LIFE | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (01/21/2024)

Edward Badalian: J6 Political Prisoner Edward Roman Badalian Faces 51 Months in Prison-Please Donate Below! | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (10/31/2023)

David Moerschel: J6 Political Prisoner, Missionary, and Father of Three David Moerschel Needs Your Help! - Is Facing Three Years in Prison for Walking in US Capitol! | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (12/13/2023)

Tommy Smith: 
MUST READ: J6 Political Prisoner Tommy Smith Sentenced to 9 Years in Jail After Police Attacked Him and Fired Projectiles at His Back - Please Help Tommy's Family This Christmas | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor(12/23/2023)

Zachary Rehl: Marine Corps Veteran, Father, Husband, and J6 Political Prisoner Zach Rehl's Letter to The Gateway Pundit | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (9/22/2023)

Zachary Rehl: "We Are Supposed to be in the USA, We have a Constitution, How Is This Happening?" - Marine Corps Veteran, Father, Husband J6 Political Prisoner Zach Rehl Update | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (11/14/2023)

Zachary Rehl: 
Proud Boy Zachary Rehl Continues to Endure Inhumane Treatment at Hands of Bureau of Prisons | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Marc Bru: 
Proud Boys Member Marc Bru Was Arrested by Federal Agents at Gunpoint with His Mother - He Was Found Guilty of "Obstruction of Official Proceeding" for Attending a Protest - While Democrat Jamaal Bowman Walks Free **Please Help J6er Marc Below** | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (1/02/24)

Michael Perkins: 
J6 Political Prisoner Michael Perkins:" I Put My Whole Heart into My Faith, Family, and Country, If You Fall into Any of Those Categories, You're a Threat as Well" | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (10/23/2023)

James Elliot: Political Prisoner James Elliott Did What He Could to Help Injured Patriots on January 6, Now He Sits Behind Bars - Please Help This Man's Young Family | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor (3/02/24)



"One of the areas with the most mayhem was the West Capitol Steps around the time of the death of peaceful protester Rosanne Boyland. From afar, it looks like protesters were randomly hurling objects at police and swinging hockey sticks and flagpoles in their direction. This never made sense as most of these guys are former military and law enforcement that support police.

In-depth investigation has found irrefutable evidence that the men in this scene were not arbitrarily attacking police. Each and every protester in that area witnessed the brutal beating of protester Rosanne Boyland by Police Officer Lila Morris. They witnessed cops visiously beating other unarmed, non-violentwomen like Victoria White. They witnessed the massive use of force by police as they teargassed protesters and pushed the crowd into a deep pile.


Police continued to douse the crowd with tear gas that literally created a deathtrap where protesters started to suffocate and pass out. Fellow protesters that desperately tried to assist the fallen were struck by police or teargassed as they begged for help."

4:00 PM

Police attempt to disperse the protestors inside the West Terrace tunnel. They do not issue a dispersal order. Instead, they begin deploying massive amounts of chemical asphyxiant spray in the enclosed space, beat non-violent protestors and push against the crowd. 


Protestors become stuck in the enclosed space and begin passing out from the excessive chemical spray, vomiting, slipping, fainting, and falling on each other as police continue to push.

Police beat protestors who are unable to move in the crush, despite the fact tey were not resisting or being aggressive. (Victoria White was one such protestor, who was hit in the back of her head 35 times over the course of 4 minutes while facing away, arms pinned down to her sides, and unable to move in the jam.


A large pile of people is pushed on top of each other, and Rosanne is among the first to fall.

Protestors beg police to stop but police continued to beat and push people on top of Rosanne and others. Men around the mouth of the tunnel attempt to recover people from the pile, including Rosanne who is at the bottom. Police ignore dozens of pleas to help Rosanne after she collapses (read the bodycam footage transcript below).

Lying on the ground unconscious, Boyland is hit multiple times with a wooden stick by D.C. police officer Lila Morris in the head and neck. Morris raises the stick over her head with both hands and hits Boyland as she lay motionless. The wooden stick flies from Morris's hand as she winds up for another strike, then ricoches off the tunnel arch.


Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart concluded that the three full-force blows by DC police officer Lila Morris constituted a felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm. Police are trained NOT to strike people in the head with a blunt object, and certainly not horizontal non-resistant, non-aggressive unarmed citizens.


Rosanne's body is finally pulled out from under the aggression of Officer Lila Morris, and multiple protestors attempt to give her CPR. Four minutes later, the protestors are unable to care for her and move her back toward the police line so that she can get emergency attention. Police continue to strike and beat protestors while they beg for help.


Police drag her back into the Capitol building, and later she is pronounced dead.


The D.C. medical examiner then lies to us, reporting that Rosanne died of a drug overdose. Her toxicology report showed zero levels of toxic substances, and her autopsy showed zero marking despite blood and extensive strikes that are evident in photos and videos of her at the scene. The New York Times immediately writes a smear piece, and the DOJ has worked overtime to cover this up. Rosanne's name was not even mentioned once in the Jan 6 Select Committee report. 

Now more than a dozen men who attempted to rescue her and the others trapped in the pile have been denied bond, held in pre-trial detention, and called TERRORISTS for trying to save others, render life-saving emergency care, and defuse the chaos as caused by poor police response and their excessive use of violence and force. These men are previous law enforcement, veterans, men who have saved lives, men without criminal pasts, and men who love their country. Now they are being denied due process and destroyed by their own government.










Rosanne Boyland Killed by Cops – Police Prevent Her Rescue – Push Protesters Down Steps – Beat Rosanne and Protesters with Sticks — Protesters Attempt CPR (Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit, 8/4/21)

Was Rosanne Boyland Beaten By Female Officer Before She Died on January 6th - VIDEO (Cara Castronuova, Gateway Pundit 9/10/21)

Family of Rosanne Boyland Who was KILLED on January 6th Is DENIED HER FULL AUTOPSY REPORT – Speak Out for First Time and Plead for Government Investigation (Cara Castronuova/Gateway Pundit, 11/22/21)

January 6th Victim Rosanne Boyland’s Sister Speaks out ON VIDEO for First Time on New Evidence (Cara Castronuova/Gateway Pundit, 12/1/21)

PHILLIP ANDERSON (Audio) — Capitol Police Killed Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – “She Was Holding My Hand When She Died” (Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit, 7/18/21)

What Did the Capitol Celebrity Cops Do to Roseanne Boyland? (Julie Kelly/American Greatness, 9/6/21)

Terror in the Capitol Tunnel (Julie Kelly/American Greatness, 11/18/21)

Select Committee Covering Up Police Brutality on January 6 (Julie Kelly/American Greatness, 11/22/21)

Video of Trump Supporters Desperately Try to Revive Woman that Died at Capitol as Police Tear Gas Them (Cara Castronuova/Gateway Pundit)

The Demonization of Rosanne Boyland Begins (Julie Kelly/American Greatness, 12/6/21)

World Tribune: Jan. 6 witness describes death of Rosanne Boyland (2/4/22)

Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Police Striking Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died on Jan. 6 (Joseph M. Hanneman/Epoch Times, 2/10/22)

EXCLUSIVE: New Jan. 6 Bodycam Videos Show DC Police Officer Assaulting Unconscious Protester (Joseph M. Hanneman/Epoch Times, 4/29/22)

Video shows officer striking motionless woman on ground during Capitol riot (Ryan King/Washington Examiner, 4/29/22)

Capitol Police Use of Force Reports Expose Brutality of Unprovoked Attacks Against Jan. 6 Protesters (Patricia Tolson/Epoch Times, 7/28/22)

January 6th Victim Rosanne Boyland's Sister Speaks out for first time! Video Interview (Cara Castronuova/Gateway Pundit)

New Bodycam Footage Boosts Interest in Release of 14,000 Hours of Jan. 6 Video (Joseph Hanneman/Epoch Times, 1/18/23)

Rosanne Boyland’s Would-Be Rescuer Pens Emotional Letter to Her Parents (Joseph Hanneman/Epoch Times, 1/20/23)

UNBELIEVABLY HEARTBREAKING J6 VIDEO! Exclusive CRYSTAL CLEAR Video of Rosanne Boyland as She DIED on Steps of US Capitol on January 6 – WHY WON’T THE POLITICIANS & MEDIA SAY HER NAME? (Cara Castronuova/Gateway Pundit, 1/26/23)

January 6 Was the Worst Incident of Police Brutality Since Civil Rights Era (Julie Kelly/American Greatness,1/26/23)

Tyre Nichols Isn’t the Only Victim Entitled to the Truth (Julie Kelly/American Greatness, 1/31/23)

TUNNEL TERROR: Gruesome Video Released of Trump Supporter Victoria White After DC Officer Jason Bagshaw Beat Her in Face with Baton and His Fist 40 Times on January 6 (2/18/23)

Flagpole on Jan. 6 Bragged ‘That Was My Best Weapon’ in Lower West Terrace Tunnel (2/27/23)

Under Cover Police Agitated the Tunnel Crowd on January 6 - SEE VIDEO (3/27/23)






STOPHATE: "CNN January 6 GREAT points about Peaceful Protesters & Police Brutality"

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